Monday, October 17, 2011

In the Know: Safety in Numbers

My "In the Know" blog days have turned into days when I just talk about whatever I want. Hmm...

Today: In the Know: Safety in Numbers.

When you cross the street when you are young, you supposed to hold someone's hand. A political party with one person doesn't have much pull, but a political party with millions can change the world. Everything is better when you have a team or a group. There is safety in numbers.

When I decided to run the Rock 'n' Roll Half-Marathon in Vegas, it was largely because I have been wanting to do something wellness related with Bon Lemon. I wanted to create a group/team/bonding experience for Lemon Lovers that involved health. (And I wanted to motivate myself to do something, I wouldn't otherwise. Running is definitely on that list. :) You all know that Bon Lemon has a team heading to Las Vegas to run the Rock 'n' Roll Half-Marathon on the strip at night. And you all know we are going to be running in our yellow Bon Lemon shirts (and wearing something sparkly!). But there may be some things you don't know.

Did you know there are at least four people on our team who have never run a half-marathon before? Who have never really ran at all. Did you know they were inspired to join the Bon Lemon team, because there is safety in numbers? Because they wanted to set a goal and reach it. Did you know we are corresponding back and forth, from all of the country, encouraging each other to keep up the good work, especially on the days when we increase our distance and it gets a little harder? I received an email from one of the runners (it is her first time ever running a half-marathon) saying how inspiring it has been to have the Bon Lemon team to run with and how much it has motivated her to keep going. Safety in numbers. I melt. This is what it is all about.

My daily running partner recently had a baby. We run at 7:30 AM on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Sunday (6 miles yesterday in St. Louis with 80 degree temps might have been easier if she were here...) My running partner gets up to run even when she has been up all night with her infant. She runs, regardless of how exhausted she is, and she motivates me to get up, even when I have had a long day with Bon Lemon, or haven't slept well, or have a little cold. I think about her dedication and that of the rest of the Lemon Lovers heading to Las Vegas to run a half-marathon for the first or the tenth time. Our team and their dedication to this goal keeps me going. When I can't find the motivation within myself, I think about these ladies, and I keep running. There is safety in numbers.

Thanks to all of the ladies who are running this year. I hope there are twice as many next year.

when life gives you lemons... put on something sparkly and run a half-marathon.

1 comment:

  1. Inspired again...going to join a running group. Dedicate myself and accomplish something as well as overcome a fear. Again, you prove to be amazeballs! Thanks, Amy!
