I have always been much better at giving than receiving. It is easier to give a donation than to ask for one. It is easier to give someone a ride to the airport than ask for one. Asking for help has always left me feeling vulnerable, a state of being I am not particularly comfortable with. (I think I have blogged about this before...)
But lately, I have had so much on my plate, I have had no choice but to ask for help. My family (mom, dad, and sister) do so much for me it is almost overwhelming. But lately, I have asked others for help. I asked a number of friends to donate and support the Big Brothers Big Sisters auction. They did. (You made it happen!) I asked 6 Par Farmer to help me paint our new shoppe, because I had 10 million other things to do. He took charge of the project and with very little help from me, got it done. (For those of you who are dying of suspense to see the new shoppe, we will see you at the holiday party on the 18th!)
And yesterday, probably due to my never ending to-do list, I was battling a cold that left me with no energy. I had a trunk show planned at a good friend's house and the idea of packing all of the trunks over there and being bubbly sounded like an impossibility. Cancelling was not an option. The show must go on. And then I remembered my ace in the hole: The Lioness! My right hand woman who is always helpful to me and very good at helping spread the Bon Lemon love.
At the 11th hour, The Lioness happily agreed to do the trunk show at my friend's house (her first in-home trunk show). She got glowing reviews from the guests and it sounds like she had a great time too. Yippee!
The moral of the story today is: It is okay to ask for help. People want to help you, but you have to give them the opportunity. I picked up this porcelain "glad hand" from a curio shoppe in Magnolia. I thought it would be a good display piece for Bon Lemon. But then today, it took on a whole new meaning. When asking for help, we should receive it with a glad hand.
Because of The Lioness, today, I am feeling better. Because of a huge team of organizers and supporters, the Big Brothers Big Sisters auction I helped with raised over $130,000. (Woo hoo!) Thanks to some crucial support, Bon Lemon is ready to charge ahead with our expansion. Thanks to 6 Par Farmer, the office is painted. Thanks to my dad, the shelves and tables are almost complete. Thanks to a special group of individuals, I am blessed with supportive and loving friends. Thanks to a thoughtful gift giver, I received a leopard print santa hat in the mail that made me smile. Thanks to my sister, I know that I will be supported 100% no matter what weird/interesting/off-the-wall thing I get myself involved in. I could go on and on all day. My glad hands are full.
Thank you to everyone who helps make my life that much better.
This post makes me happy.