This is an, "I Wanted That" post, because, this time, I got what I wanted. Yippee!
I have wanted my friends at Glacier County Honey to sell comb honey for quite some time. Their bees make the most delicious honey you have never tasted. But I just couldn't get my mind of of the comb honey. I don't know why. Maybe it is the novelty of the whole deal, but I like the comb.
Turns out, I wasn't the only one! Glacier County Honey sells their honey to Glacier Park, Inc. (They are big and fancy, aren't they?). Glacier Park encouraged them to experiment with comb honey. And they did! And so I got my wish.
I am sitting here enjoying some comb honey with a fork. Tomorrow, I will try it on my toast. Thank you Glacier County Honey for making your comb honey available to us on your website. (For some reason, my links aren't working. Their website is: www.glaciercountyhoney.com.) It is delicious!
Now, if only you will make honeycomb tapers... Then my life will be complete.
We think this is your best post yet :-) Thanks so much, Amy, and we're glad you're enjoying the comb honey!