You know we love a good contest. And today, we drew the winner of our Statement Necklace Contest. All you had to do was tell us which statement necklace was your favorite and then you had a chance of winning that necklace. Thanks to everyone who entered. It was a fun one.
Both the Desert Sparkle Necklace and the Ring of Fire Necklace got ten votes each. We were only going to give away the necklace that got the most votes, but because we are softies, we decided to give away one of each. Yay! If you voted for either of those necklaces, you were entered to win. Random.org randomly selected the winners. Do you want to know who won? Is the suspense killing you?

The winner of the Desert Sparkle Necklace is... Erica Grinde! Woo hoo, Erica!

And he winner of the Ring of Fire Necklace is... Julie Sandberg! Yippee, Julie! We will contact both of you ladies for shipping details.
We think that living life necessitates making a statement. If you need a statement necklace of your own, head over to Bon Lemon to pick up your very own. For those of you across the United States facing all sorts of crazy weather, you don't even have to leave the comfort of your own living room. Bliss!
Stay tuned for our next contest. We are already dreaming up ideas...
Chicken Dinner image from jayroeder.deviantart.com. Love!
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