Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Bon Lemon Revue

When I was going through my "lemon" phase and trying to figure out how to make lemonade, I was brainstorming a lot of business ideas. I contemplated entering the political world as an attorney or lobbyist (maybe someday), I thought seriously about an organic baby food company, and I wanted to start a weekly, online news program summarizing all things pertinent to savvy ladies.

I spoke to many of my friends who said they were too busy to listen to Fox News or CNN everyday. They wanted to know what was going on in the world, but with the limited free time they had, US Weekly was winning out. I have a variety of interests, want to stay informed, and have a short attention span, so I get my news from a variety of sources. I like to know what's happening with the economy, people, politics, fashion, and food. I don't have the patience for the six page articles in The Economist, and pundits like Glen Beck make me want to through myself on hot coals. (Give me facts and opinions not rhetoric.)

I read Vanity Fair, Fast Company, The Puget Sound Business Journal, and The Week religiously. I read at least ten other magazines recreationally. I stay up to date with current events via Facebook and Twitter. I don't watch the local news on television unless I am visiting 6 Par Farmer, because I find it sensationalized and one dimensional. The most important element of information these days is editing. I don't care if we are talking about shoes or taxes, I want someone who can synthesize the information succinctly. Brevity please.

Now that Bon Lemon is starting to hit it's stride, I have been thinking of new ways to build the Bon Lemon community. I keep coming back to the idea of a well edited news source. What if we could create a news source that combined a succinct explanation of the bombings in Moscow combined with a snippet on American Idol and a little fashion/wine/food tip thrown in? We won't replace Marie Claire, TMZ, or the Wall Street Journal, but we will give you enough info to decide whether you want to find out more. With that goal in mind: The Bon Lemon Revue is born!

The Bon Lemon Revue will bring you well edited news and info to stay savvy. Whether you are looking for cocktail conversation or a teaser to determine whether you want to know more, we hope The Bon Lemon Revue will be your source for brevity and relevant information in less than fifteen minutes per week (yes, it an be done!).

Coming soon to Bon Lemon: The Bon Lemon Revue!

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