Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Charitable Giving: When Is It Too Much?

I like giving. I started volunteering at a young age. I like giving gifts. I like helping my Grandma. I like attending charity fundraisers. I have always felt lucky I was genetically predisposed to enjoy helping others. If it didn't make me feel good, I might not do it as often. But lucky for me, making other people feel good, makes me feel good. It is quite selfish, really.

When I founded Bon Lemon, charitable giving was a fundamental tenet of the Bon Lemon business plan. I wanted to create a business that brought fun and meaning to people's lives. All at once. I don't see them as being mutually exclusive. The world can be a heavy place, and sometimes feeling like you are making a difference in a small way can be very meaningful. A sparkly, cocktail ring can bring a smile to your face. And when a portion of the purchase price goes to help those in need, you have helped to bring a smile to someone else's face. It feels good.

Starting a new business is quite a financial undertaking. There are still people who ask what I am doing for work aside from "that little jewelry thing." There are still people who assume I started this business with a week's worth of my trust fund distributions. (I am still holding out hope I have a trust fund that kicks in at 35. Mom? Dad? Great Uncle?) There will always be people who don't understand what you do, when what you do is not the norm. But one thing is for sure, this "little jewelry thing" is what I do 40, 60 or 80 hours a week and it is what allows me to continue spreading the Bon Lemon love with jewelry and dollars.

I often start hyperventilating when I look at the personal debt I have taken on to start this business. (Does anyone have a paper bag handy?) Earlier this week, when I looked at my credit card statement and then wrote donation checks to two fabulous charities (one inspiring self-esteem in girls and one helping a young girl with leukemia), I wondered: Am I giving too much? Is 10% of profits and 20% of trunk show sales too much? Am I giving so much away that I am not creating a strong foundation for Bon Lemon? We all know you have to give to yourself if you want to give to others. Am I depleting the mothership or creating a culture that will attract people to Bon Lemon?

One of the great things about blogging is you can ask vague questions that have no answer. Sometimes people respond. Sometimes they don't. Writing words often helps me process my own thoughts. Today, it has helped me find my resolve. I give to charity, because it is important to me as a person and I want to create a corporate culture that supports giving. Maybe 10% feels like a lot right now, when every penny should be going towards getting Bon Lemon in the black. And every penny that doesn't goes to support my restaurant habit. (Hey, it is better than smoking...) But I have plans for this "little jewelry thing." And when I can write a check for 10% of $100 million and know I got there, because other people believed in spreading the Bon Lemon love one bauble or dollar at a time, it will all come together. For now, I will keep working. And keep giving. Today I know, I give away a part, because it is what makes me feel whole.

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