Monday, May 2, 2011

Is justice pretty?

Osama/Usama is dead. (Can someone please standardize Arabic/English translations so we don't have 43 spellings for every prominent word?) Or at least, all media outlets, aside from the fringe, are telling us Osama/Usama is dead. Most are rejoicing. Obama said, "justice has been done." And a few are questioning the outcry of support for the murder of a man who never saw a trial.

Has justice been done? Is justice the death of a terrorist? Or the sanctity of a justice system? Or the vindication of a victim? Or forgiveness? Per, justice is, "The quality of being fair and reasonable." One thing I learned in law school is the erosion of the rights of the guilty, infringe upon the rights of the innocent. Can we offer the same rights to an accused child molester as we would a cute, harmless grandmother? This is where justice is challenged.

We follow our intricate justice system with its checks and balances in trying even the most egregious acts, because there is no liberty in a police state. When our government decides to kill someone without a trial by jury, the government has ultimate control. They decide who to silence. When speaking of terrorists, this is welcome. But when speaking of political dissidents or activists, most would say these actions would fly in the face of our democracy.

Can we be "fair and reasonable" when looking at a man who likely orchestrated the "slaughter" of thousands of Americans? Can we have faith in our justice system when we have seen OJ get off or the numerous people sue and win lawsuits based on their own stupidity? Does the desire to "string him up" come from an impatience with the speed of the justice system? An eye for an eye? Or a hatred of the unknown?

I don't have the stomach for killing/ordering killing of other humans. I wish we lived in a world where we all treated each other with kindness and empathy. And I am realistic enough to realize there is evil in this world and there are times, justice must be defended with a sword. And sometimes, it ain't pretty.

Do I think the world is a better place without Hitler? Yes. Do I think the world is a better place without Osama/Usama? I don't see why not. But I would also like to live in a world ruled by thought, rather than hate and fear. If intelligent justice means we shoot a man, fine. As long as our choice is "fair and reasonable," not the result of fear induced group think.

Which world are we in now?

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