Thursday, August 4, 2011

Something Tasty: La Mamounia

How delicious does La Mamounia in Marrakech, Morocco look? Tasty indeed.

I have longed to go to Morocco for sometime. It might be because I was scheduled to go there on Semester at Sea, but we were rerouted due to the aftermath of 9/11. It might be the bustling markets. It might be the vibrant culture. It might be the abundance of spas. It might be the bright, interesting architecture. I think it is the same reason I loved Istanbul: Morocco is a place where East meets West. Where chaos meets calm. Where beautiful and disgusting swirl together so seamlessly, you don't know where one begins and the other ends. That is my perfect travel destination. There are few places that walk the line without falling off one side. I anticipate Morocco to be one of those places.

My interest in Morocco was renewed when 6 Par Farmer mentioned his friend might be renting a house in Marrakech this winter and that we should come visit. 6 Par Farmer is up for anything, but he would be more likely to consider Maui or Santa Barbara for vacation. When he suggested a trip to Morocco, I was beyond excited. And, as I do the second I hear a whisper about anything good happening, I got super excited and started thinking about all the fun things we could do in Marrakech.

I had read an article about the full overhaul La Mamounia had undergone. I read about those who had enjoyed its beauty generations ago, and those who would soon enjoy it again. If we weren't going to stay there, we were definitely going to need to do some spaing there (spa going should be a verb, don't you think?). The architecture. The pools. The gardens. The views. The spas. I am drooling just thinking about it.

The dates didn't work out to coordinate a trip with 6 Par Farmer's friend, but I haven't given up on a trip to Morocco. And this way, we could stay at La Mamounia... Now that is something tasty. See you in Marrakech.