The Arm Party Challenge was more fun than I EVER could have imagined. We had so many fabulous arm parties and lots of people cheering each of our participants on. Thank you to everyone who took the time to share a photo or "like" your favorite arm party. It makes my hourly (okay... quarter-hourly) Facebook stalking so much more interesting. We had mother-daughter arm parties.

Classic arm parties.

Arm parties with a little western flavor.

And arm parties that made us think about swimming in sea green, tropical waters.

From the bold...

To the delicate.

We could not have EVER picked a winner, because we LOVED them. Every. One.

Thankfully, you all picked the winner for us. Phew. Well, that was the idea anyway. We thought you were going to make it easy by liking your favorite arm party, but this contest got a little confusing. (We promise we will do better next time.) There were "likes" on the Arm Party Challenge page, there were "likes" on your personal pages, and there were "likes" on all of the pages of your peeps who shared the arm party with their friends. (Don't get us wrong, we are not complaining. We are glad everyone loves a good arm party. We just need to work on our organization.) We had a hard time finding an accurate total of likes, excluding duplicates, including shares, etc. Because of the web of "likes" and how close two of our contestants were, we have made a decision that might irritate those with a competitive streak, but hopefully you will be won over with our sense of fairness and desire to make everyone more sparkly.
We decided to declare a tie. Amy and Kimberlee both had over 200 likes in various places around Facebook. 200 likes!!! Now that is impressive. They both rallied their troops. The both came to the party. And they are both walking away with $200 gift certificates to Bon Lemon. Hopefully, nobody is disappointed with that. :) Check out their arm parties. Aren't they fab?

And since we are in the spirit of spreading the Bon Lemon love, every single participant in the Arm Party Challenge will receive a $20 gift certificate to Bon Lemon just for playing. You can't have a contest without participants and we are SO VERY thankful you came out and played with us. If you didn't get in on the action, maybe you will next time. I mean, come on, there's free sparkle.
when life gives you lemons... put on something sparkly.
Loved the Arm Party! Thanks so much for sharing the Bon Lemon Love!
ReplyDeleteThanks for playing!
ReplyDeleteThis was a lot of fun. Thanks Amy! xoxo.
ReplyDeleteYay! Thanks, Amy :)