Sunday, August 15, 2010


My house looks like that!

After inventorying (is that even a word?) seemingly countless pieces of jewelry, I am considering an electronic inventory system. Hand labelling thousands of pieces of jewelry and inputting them into an Excel spreadsheet does feed my inner organizer, but I think it may end up taking way too much time when I am swamped with orders and have more important things to do. (Like next month when I am going to be so bombarded with orders, I am going to feel like Oprah had me on her favorite things :)

Part of this is fueled by the vast number of pieces I currently have in my house. (Don't plan on being invited over for a dinner party anytime soon, if you know what I mean. Unless you plan on dining on stingray bracelets, pearl necklaces, and Swarovski crystal earrings. That is what is on the menu at my house.) I fear not having enough inventory. I mean, I really fear it. Like, kind of in an OCD, I can't control myself from ordering more sort of a way. So I keep ordering. And dinner parties become more unlikely.

But my fears are not totally unfounded. Our first trunk show at Spruce has over 60 confirmed guests, and just one week later I get to go to the Tacoma Country Club as one of five vendors for the women's member guest tourney. Lucky me! One must have ample goods to sell for both occasions! And therefore, I keep ordering. Don't worry Montanaites, I should have time to reorder before heading over that direction. Oh the joys of balance. How much is too much? How much is not enough? I guess I am soon to find out!

So, in an effort to better track all of these fabulous pieces of jewelry, I have been trying to find a software program that works with online and brick and mortar sales, because I have the mini-shoppe to think about. Something with a scanable bar code and where all of the inventory is tracked in one place. It is a complicated world. If anyone has any tips, I would love to hear about what you use for your business.

I better get back to inventorying :)

1 comment:

  1. Whew, you look very busy indeed, honey! Keep up the good work, and call me if you need to commiserate about amounts of inventory ... we have about 50 one pounders of honey left right now, and I am about to destroy my marriage asking Greg when the new system will be in place for me to bottle more. WHAT IF WE RUN OUT? But. It's just earrings, it's just honey. Deep breaths, and love to you.
