Wednesday, August 4, 2010


I am not very good at selling things. Well, I should clarify. I am not very good at selling things when the sale of the product will directly benefit me. I can go on and on about my favorite restaurants (Zoe in Seattle, Tad's Chicken and Dumplings outside of Portland, Rendezvous Bistro in Jackson Hole), shoes (Tory Burch, Chie Mahara), hair accesories (Tarina Tarantino), laundry detergent (powder Tide), bread (Dave's Killer Sprouted Bread), toilet paper (Charmin, of course), denim (Citizens even though I know I should probably move on), handbags (this changes seasonally, but I am loving my Marc by Marc Jacobs bright coral bag), dog food (Natural Choice), jewelry line (Bon Lemon of course :) etc, etc, etc.

I get really excited about things I like, and really vocal about things I don't. I could sell or sell you against anything I'm wearing, eating, sleeping on, or driving. But for some reason, I am not able to apply this to my own endeavors. (My sister often reminds me of this fact...) I have never been good at fundraising for non-profit events. I always preferred to write the check rather than hit up friends and family for the worthy causes I have worked with. I think it feels too much like people are giving me money. Ewww. No likey. Since launching Bon Lemon, I have listened to myself downplay my enthusiasm when people are picking things out, because I don't want to come across as pushy, and I want to make sure people actually like the pieces and aren't just trying to support me. But inside, I am excited and loving how everything looks on everyone and want to say, "OMG, that looks so cute!"

In other words, I am completely wasting my innate enthusiasm for all things, because I don't want to come off as a pushy salesperson. From now on, I am going to try and break this habit. I am going to share my enthusiasm with others and assume they can make their own decisions about what they do or do not want to buy. I never want people to feel pressured to buy things at Bon Lemon events. If you are funemployed and just want to come have cocktails with the girls, please come to our trunk shows. It isn't like other parties, where you find yourself thumbing through the catalog dreading spending $80 on a top you wouldn't have picked up off of the TJ Maxx clearance rack for $4.99.

Bon Lemon ladies are stylish and savvy. Sometimes being savvy means saving your pennies and forgoing that cocktail ring you really want. Other times, it means buying two, because they will make every outfit pop. From now on, I will not temper my enthusiasm for fear of seeming "sales-ey." In return, I trust you will never feel pressured to purchase Bon Lemon pieces and will only do so when they make the perfect gift or addition to your wardrobe. I know there are a lot of pieces you simply can not live without and that is just something I am going to have to learn to deal with. We've got cute stuff! :)

Looking forward to seeing you at a trunk show sometime soon! We have a handful of Montana events in the works for September. And don't forget about our inaugural event at Spruce in Olympia on August 20 from 2:00 PM - 8:00 PM.

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