Friday, September 24, 2010


This is me in a driving coma. Not so pretty... But blog readers like photos, so good or bad, here you go. This is me being a good little blogger. This is an unattractive photo and a rambling example of poor writing, but it is my daily blog entry, as I have promised the hundreds of thousands of anxious followers who read Bon Lemon's blog. I love you all.

After spending the last couple of weeks touring the great state of Montana (Olympia to Whitefish, Whitefish to Great Falls, Great Falls to Billings, Billings to Great Falls, Great Falls to Ledger, Ledger to Great Falls, Great Falls to Missoula, and Missoula to Olympia), I am home. Sometimes I wonder how my health is affected by all of this driving (p.s., I can't spell affect or effect, so I just use them interchangeably, even though I know there is a proper spelling, but currently, I don't feel like googling which one I am supposed to use in this instance as I do every time I use the words, because it just won't seem to stay in my pea brain, so I will just tell you it has a 50% chance of being wrong. Sorry 9th grade English teacher. I have failed you.)

Anywho, how does driving a/effect your health? Or rather, how do we a/effect our health while driving? Clearly, sitting in one position for 12 hours cant be recommended by any PHD, MD, DO, DC, ESQ, etc. But what about what we do to ourselves while driving. Am I the only one who eats junk food while driving? A nation of truck drivers would indicate no.

I feel myself getting soft, but I also crave beef sticks (Oh Boy! Oberto Cocktail Pep beef sticks to be exact) and Orange Crush. Sometimes it is Corn Nuts and Big Hunks. Sometimes Subway, but more often McDonald's sundaes. How can you simultaneously feel your muscle tone decreasing and body fat increasing, while desiring corn syrup and partially hydrogenated oils? It is really quite disgusting if you think about it. Today, combined with a whole lot of other deep thoughts I needn't be thinking about, I was thinking about the negative a/effects said food consumption has on your body. And I was trying to be better.

So here I sit. At 10PM Pacific Time. In my cozy bungalow. Reflecting on my usual driving habits, and wondering if I may be turning over a new leaf. I am eating instant miso soup and Dave's Killer Bread with Kerrygold Irish Butter (which is so good if you haven't tried it). The only thing I bought at the two gas stations I stopped at was a 40,000 oz iced tea (unsweetened). I stopped in Coeur d Alene and ate a sensible lunch with a friend, which is totally against my only-stop-to-get-gas-not-even-if-you-have-to-pee-so-what-about-getting-a-bladder-infection driving style.

Maybe I am turning over a new leaf. Maybe tomorrow I will go on a 12 mile run to counteract the 96 hours I have spent sitting in the car in the last two weeks. Maybe I will eat brown rice and chicken breasts and I won't have to worry about the negative a/effects driving has on our health, because I will be such a specimen of health, there will be nothing to question. (Maybe I will stop using parentheses in my blog entries.) Let's be realistic, today is an isolated effort. (Oh, and I did forget about the Snickers I bought to go along with my iced tea. Oopsie.) Beef sticks, I have not abandoned you. Turn my body to mush, but I will not forsake you. Big Hunk, it won't be long, and we shall meet again.

So much for my questions about the a/effects of driving on the body. Turns out, it is not driving, it is just me that is bad for my body. I am off to bed. I have heard it is beneficial to rest directly after consuming carbohydrates. Nighty night.

1 comment:

  1. I remember the blizzards we HAD to get going through North Bend! Glad you are in your home in Oly now.
