Friday, October 29, 2010

Some like it hot

Some like it hot. Others melt like a grape popsicle on 4th of July in El Paso. Many of my friends love to spend countless hours laying in the sun absorbing every last ray. I, on the other hand, opt for the umbrella, the oversized sun hat, the air conditioning, or the icy pool. If you haven't already gathered this from reading my blog, I am odd.

When I was younger, I didn't have sweat glands. That might sound nice when you are going into a big meeting and you are pitting out in your white button up. But it isn't so nice when you are a nine year old running around on the soccer field. I would overheat, turn white, then green, throw up, and spend a few to several hours with a blasting headache and no energy. I went to specialists. They couldn't help. They said I would grow out of it when I went through puberty. And I did.

I now sweat. Sometimes I stink. But my body doesn't seem to know how to cool itself. If I get too much sun or get too hot, I go fetal, nauseous, and have to lay in a dark room for a handful of hours. It is incredibly annoying. I enjoy manual labor. I enjoy hiking. I enjoy doing stuff. And I am a total weenie in the summer months. This may account for my love of snow. But 6 Par Farmer lives in Scottsdale in the winter. The weather in Scottsdale is perfect for dinners on the patio, swimming, and laying in the shade. Many think it is perfect for sunbathing and hiking too.

One of 6 Par Farmers favorite things to do in Scottsdale is hike Camelback. I enjoy it too. 6 Par Farmer and I headed up the Echo Canyon side of Camelback this morning. For those of you who have spent time in the Phoenix area, Camelback is a great place to hike, right in the middle of the city. It is unseasonably warm in Scottsdale right now. It was 93 today. We headed out early to try and beat the heat, but it was a toasty morning. Echo isn't a leisure hike, and I have always found it challenging, but today, after three days on the road and 80 degree temps, I had to let 6 Par Farmer charge ahead.

I spent most of the rest of the day in bed with a blistering headache. I was thinking about my blog and the Bon Lemon mantra, when life gives you lemons...make lemonade. My heat issue frustrates me. It makes me feel like I can't do things. It feels very limiting. I feel like people just think I am a weenie and it is embarrassing. I struggle with it. So, how do I make lemonade out of this lemon?

I will never be able to run around in the summer sun the way others can. Many people struggle with disabilities much greater than an inability to be active in hot places. I often think about how they must deal with these perceived "shortcomings." We all have strengths. And we all have weaknesses. Some like it hot. And some are worthless in the sun. But when we are given lemons, we are all given the opportunity to make lemonade.


  1. I had no idea you had this issue with the heat, honey! Makes you trip to Avalanche Ridge even more spectacular in my eyes. xxx

  2. You are too sweet. It is an annoying problem, but nothing a little fresh snow can't solve :)
