Tuesday, November 16, 2010

10 Things We Love About the Power Being Out

10. Snuggling with Dolce.

9. You get to feel like Laura in Little House on the Prairie.

8. The way candlelight makes the whole room flicker.

7. Silence. Real silence. For longer than you would have dared exist with your own thoughts otherwise.

6. You don't feel like a slacker for skipping the morning shower.

5. The fireplace still works so you are warm and toasty. (That's where Dolce likes to hang out.)

4. Your computer doesn't work, so you are "forced" to read Vanity Fair by candlelight rather than catch up on invoices.

3. You have an excuse to buy more Votivo candles from Spruce Skin and Wax Shoppe.

2. You realize just how useful that Blackberry of yours can be. Flashlight anyone?

1. The water doesn't work, and the only liquid not in the fridge is... you guessed it...wine! Here's to hydrating.

--Dolce and I cuddling up in front of the fire.--

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