Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The First Snow Angel of the Season

It's official: I made my first snow angel of the season. And it wasn't in Montana. It was here in Olympia! We have had snow for the last few days. It is supposed to be 15 degrees tomorrow. The power was out for a day. And I can't drive out of the little street I live on without sliding backwards. Winter is upon us! And it almost feels like a Montana winter. Woo hoo!

I can't say exactly why I love snow. It could be the way it muffles sound. Or the pretty white blanket it lays on my otherwise unsightly landscaping. (If you can call it that. More like lack of landscaping.) I like shoveling snow. Making snow balls. Although, I have been pegged with more snowballs this year than I have thrown. (6 Par Farmer has darn good aim...) I love making snow angels and wearing furry boots. All of these things probably contribute to why I love snow. Love. Love. Love.

Some people see the snow as a hinderance to their life, which it can be, but I suggest enjoying the calm a snow day provides. Sit down with your blog or your book, a good recipe or a great meal, a lover or a friend, and watch the snow come down. There's nothing better. Now, if I can only find a way to get up to the ski hill...

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