Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Capitol City

There are many great things about living in Olympia. Being close to my family, good Asian food, lots of coffee places, Pugest Sound, The Bread Peddler, and things are green... But one of my favorite things is the view from Capitol Lake up to the Capitol Building. Dolce and I took a nice walk around the lake and snapped this pic. Gorgeous!

If it weren't for all those hippies, this would be paradise :)


  1. I am a freelance designer working on interpretive panels for the Capitol Lake area. We'd like to use this photo on a panel, with credit to you of course. If you could please contact me as soon as possible, we are on a JUne 30 deadline. My email address is aleighmawell at

    Thank you so much, this is a beautiful photo!

  2. I sent you an email. You are more than welcome to use the photo. Thanks! :)
