Monday, December 6, 2010

Lattin's Country Cider Mill and Farm

For those of you who live in the Olympia area, you may have been to Lattin's Country Cider Mill as a kid. They have a petting zoo, toys, and, of course, cider. I hadn't been back in many years, but I kept hearing buzz about their to-die-for apple fritters.

Being a curious eater (which may account for why I currently find myself at the gym every single day trying to rediscover my ab muscles), and with some encouragement from Sweet Peach, my also curious mom, we headed out to Lattin's to taste for ourselves what all the fuss is about.

Lattin's is one of those places you glamorize as a kid. All you remember are fluffy bunnies, clucking chickens, and hot cider. As an adult, you are more "impressed" by the blow up Santa Claus, mismatched nativity scene, and children's toys from when I was still playing with them (a long time ago...).

What Lattin's lacks in ambiance, it makes up for with its tasty fritters. (The bismarks and other doughnuts were tempting as well.) The apple fritters surpassed our expectations. Instead of a big glob of dough like you get at most places, Lattin's fritters were small, little pieces of dough with chunks of apple mixed in. Neither too sweet, too hot, or too fried; these babies were tasty.

If you are in the area, stop by for an apple fritter. And don't forget to take your picture with a farm animal.

Photograph borrowed from A Kneaded Distraction. A great blog. It is an actual Lattin's Apple Fritter, which I, apparently, was too busy eating to take a picture of.

1 comment:

  1. I love apple fritters, but have been disappointed by so many overly sweetened versions. It's good to know that someone is doing them right. I have to say, though, when I first saw the pic I thought it was a human brain!!
