Tuesday, September 6, 2011

I Want That: Bri Seeley Designs

So... I am in bed last week, thumbing through Seattle magazine. They were announcing the Seamless in Seattle winners (a contest featuring budding Northwest fashion designers.) My Tuesday night entertainment is looking up!

After turning to the page, first, I see one of my high school classmates has topped the list. (Way to go Malia and Lady Konnyaku.) And then I see Bri Seeley of Bri Seeley Designs, the winner of Best Coat, is from Olympia. How exciting! I must get more info.

I promptly got on Bri's website to check out her designs. (No, I do not sleep with my laptop. That would be weird.) Bri's website has a spattering of great stuff. I was instantly impressed by her cocktail dresses, everyday ready-to-wear pieces, and the quality of her photography. (Tres chic!) Bri was in the process of getting her online store up and running (It is working now! Click here to shop.) I wanted more info, so I contacted Bri to see where her fashions are available.

Bri was so super nice! On top of admiring her fashion sense, I totally want her to be my new friend. We have plans to meet for coffee and talk about a custom dress for the upcoming Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southwest Washington Auction (have you purchased your tickets yet?). I am so tickled to get to meet her.

I think it is only a matter of time before we will see Bri Seeley Designs on the front page of fashion magazines. Get her designs while you can...

I especially like the award winning coat. Both colors? With statement earrings and a chunky Bon Lemon bracelet? Mmm. Hmmm.

I Want That: Bri Seeley Designs. (All of them.)

P.S. This is her. Doesn't she look fun? Love those feathers!

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