Monday, October 25, 2010

When life gives you lemons...go find a rainbow

Here at Bon Lemon, we talk a lot about making lemonade out of lemons.

It has been pretty dreary weather here in Washington state. There was even a house that fell into the ocean yesterday. (Apparently, the owners were expecting it and were in good spirits watching it crash into the sea.) The dreary weather doesn't always motivate people to go play outside.

Yesterday, Dolce Vita Evans, 6 Par Farmer, Sweet Peach, J. Crew Logger and I drove to a nice walking path overlooking the Puget Sound. We brought our raincoats. We had good intentions. And then we looked outside at the incessant rainfall. And we proceeded directly to See's chocolates to pick up some rum nougat chocolates. (I think I need to go eat one right now...) Okay. I am back. Yesterday, it was down pouring. And this is coming from someone who lives in Washington and knows what a down pour is.

Today, it was down pouring again. But Dolce Vita Evans wasn't taking no for an answer. 6 Par Farmer and I put on our rain jackets and headed out into the thick of it. It drenched us for a few minutes, but then it cleared up. I turned around and there was a rainbow. We didn't get rained on the rest of the walk.

Sometimes heading directly into the storm seems like the worst idea ever. But often, facing the storm head on is the only way you can see what is on the other side of the clouds. And it might be a rainbow.

When life gives you lemons...go find a rainbow.

1 comment:

  1. Yesterday I awoke to a double rainbow! Tis the season for rainbows. If you look at the wall in the photo long enough you just might see my name, scratched in with a piece of shell half a life time ago.
