Monday, February 7, 2011

Facebook Envy

Everyday in my life is pretty much like being on a honeymoon in the Bahamas. Yours too, right?

I heard a story on the news a couple of weeks ago that discussed "Facebook Envy." The idea is: we all post the best versions of our lives online and they seem so great that it gives our friends a feeling of desperation, because their lives aren't so fabulous. (Really they are just normal, but the perception is everyone around them lives without problems or concerns.) For example, if your day was filled with changing diapers, picking up the dry cleaning, talking to a sick friend on the phone, backing into a tree, and going out to a nice dinner for your birthday, it is likely you would post a Facebook status update about going out to dinner, not any of the negative things that happened. I like to think of this as seeing the glass half full.

There are exceptions to this. I have a couple of friends I have planned to delete numerous times, because of their negativity, but it is kind of like watching Jerry Springer. I can't turn it off. (You seriously want every person you went to high school with to know the dirty details of your divorce?) I think it is inappropriate to share all of your grievances on Facebook, but we all use social media for different purposes. I had a "friend" delete me, because he said my posts about drinking cocktails and travelling were nauseating and demonstrated what a superficial, selfish person I was. It was easy to ignore his hurtful comments, because the truth was, I was going through one of the hardest times in my life. Most of my day was spent in turmoil and the only reprieve was a cocktail or a visit with friends. I was "Facebook sugar coating" not becoming a superficial person.

What should Facebook be used for? I use it to connect with friends who live far away, share information and discuss ideas. Sometimes my political debates create tension between friends. Some people find my posts nauseating. Is it selfish or one sided to write what I want? Or is it my prerogative? Can you maintain meaningful connections on Facebook or is it all superficial fluff? Until I figure it out, I am going to continue posting political musings and cocktail talk.

And if you want to know the real story... call me.

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