Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Mac my Apple

Is it a Mac or is it an Apple? Can somebody cool enlighten me?

Macs are cool. Cool for graphic designers, musicians, and other free spirits. Maybe an artist or a teacher sprinkled in. They never seemed to work for what I needed. They wouldn't work with the software in law school. You couldn't take the bar exam on one. And they weren't compatible with the legal research software. Lawyers are dull. That's for sure. And it is evidenced by the sea of Dell computers that accompany us.

When I began researching a Point of Sale system for Bon Lemon, I thought I would end up with a Microsoft program or maybe something cooler. There are a lot of Point of Sale systems, but not a lot that are designed for people who have a website, a mobile store, and a brick and mortar shoppe. (What can I say, I like to multitask.) I won't bore you by detailing the hundreds (possibly thousands) of hours I spent researching systems to try and find the right one, but the best value I could find was a Mac based system. It is the same one they use in the Apple stores. I hesitated for only a moment, wondering if the Macs would integrate with my other necessary applications. I hesitated, and then I clicked, "add to cart."

Armed with two MacBook Pros, a Verizon iPhone, and a spendy POS system, Bon Lemon is officially hip. And, more importantly, hopefully taking our sales to the next level too!

Look out world. (We even have a cool Schticker for the top. Who doesn't heart Bon Lemon?)

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the hip Mac world! Once you switch over (and learn a few tricks) you never look back.
