Saturday, February 19, 2011

The New and Improved Bon Lemon

Most of you have probably already heard: we are in the process of getting a brand new website, webstore, and point of sale system. (Rad.) We are just getting it going and it is soooo cool! For now, our webstore is offline, but I think you are going to love it when it gets up and running. It is the same system they use in the Apple stores and is super intuitive. (6 Par Farmer says, "It is the bomb.")

When I started Bon Lemon, I jumped into the water head first. I took some risks, held my breath, and hoped it would turn out all right. Thus far, it has. Yippee! Now we are moving onto Phase 2. We are investing in more sophisticated hardware and software, we have hired professional photographers, and we have a lot more inventory on its way. Any of you who own a small business know how scary this can be. If you want to grow, you have to be willing to take risks, but there is always that worry in the back of your mind. I have some pretty lofty goals for Bon Lemon. We want to spread the Bon Lemon love far and wide. We want to have independent, Bon Lemon traveling boutique owners, we want to have a bustling webstore, and we want to have a sassy shoppe.

I keep repeating my mantra. Let's hope I am right.

"If you build it. They will come."

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to you! Growing a small business is, to me, simultaneously the best and worst thing in the world.
