Friday, May 13, 2011

Being the Best Aunt Ever is Pretty (Cool)

It has been said I am going to be the best aunt ever. (Blush.) This statement is usually made by my sister who doesn't have any other sisters. Hmm... Well. I will take the compliment.

Part of the rationale for my perceived superior aunt abilities is my love of gift giving. If you have read the love languages, I convey love with gifts. (And communication and lots of other things. I am a bit needy, I guess.) It's not about fancy, thoughtless gifts. But things that demonstrate thought, style, and joie de vivre.

Today, Maebel received another gift from Auntie Amy. It is a monogrammed, reversible tie back top with two sets of coordinating bloomers. It is green and white seersucker reversing to orange and white gingham. With an orange grosgrain tie. And it is embroidered with "Maebel" on the front. You can close your jaw now. It is the cutest thing you have ever seen. Handmade in Asheville, North Carolina.

So, I have decided the reason I am a going to be a good aunt is not my playful nature or love of children's books. The reason I am going to be a good aunt is because I am friends with southerners. And we all know, southerners have the absolute cutest children's clothes ever. Thanks for the Just Ducky recommendation Huffy. Sooooooooo cute!

1 comment:

  1. Southerners set great store by outfitting their chillins' in fine clothes. I think Courtney had that same outfit when she was about 2 years old. Maebel is a lucky little niece.
