Thursday, September 1, 2011

Something Tasty: Curry Corner in Olympia

I like to blog about eating when I am out and about. Sometimes, I forget to blog about what I eat when I am close to home.

Living alone (with Dolce Vita Evans) means I don't have much of a schedule for meals. Nobody is patiently waiting for me to make them dinner. (Well, Dolce Evans would certainly appreciate a sausage.) I can make a feast for dinner; I can eat cheese and crackers; I can have one glass of wine or three. Nobody would be the wiser

I like to cook, but cooking for one can be dreadfully uninspiring. So, I have found a couple of places to grab and go. The Eastside Co-Op has a salad bar that gives Whole Foods a run for its money in terms of quality, making up for what it lacks in aesthetics. One of my new favorite spots is Curry Corner out in my neck of the woods. The owner is a friend of a friend (Lovely! Lovely!) and I have been meaning to get over there.

If you like Indian food, or even if you don't, you have to try this place. It is as good as most Indian restaurants I have been to in bigger cities. They even have a little market so you can bring Indian groceries home. I bought some of those sugar coated anise seeds that are perfect for calming your stomach after a spicy meal. I only wish I could transport Curry Corner to Montana where my international travelling bachelor friends long for ethnic take-out. Guess you will have to come to Olympia boys. Curry Corner is where it's at.

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