Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Something Tasty: How Sweet It Is... We're On One of Our FAV Blogs!

With our new website (almost) complete, we have started figuring out how to get the word out. "Hello! Anybody out there? Bon Lemon is fabulous!" For some reason, I have always believed Bon Lemon would be successful. I have literally been chanting, "If you build it they will come." It has taken awhile to get the foundation laid, but we are ready for the flood. Bring on the Lemon Lovers, world!

I think traditional advertising is a thing of the past, and the best way to spread the word about whatever it is you are doing is to form partnerships with like minded/styled blogs and businesses. I read a handful of blogs religiously and look to them for fashion advice, home decor tips, entertainment, insight, and travel suggestions. One prong of Bon Lemon's campaign to let people know we exist is blog exposure.

One of my favorite blogs is La Dolce Vita. I stumbled upon it, because my dog's name is La Dolce Vita. (Not that I was randomly searching Dolce Vita on the internet and seeing what came up...) Little did I know, La Dolce Vita (the blog not the dog) combines a great eye for design and flair for fun. It has quickly become one of my favorite blogs. Paloma has been written up in many magazines and gets thousands of blog views a week. Paloma has a screening process for all sponsors, and I must say, I was a little nervous when I first inquired about being apart of La Dolce Vita. When she wrote me back and said she loved Bon Lemon, I was over the moon. Here is Paloma.

Today, we are featured on her blog in the sponsor spotlight. You can read it here. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE all of Paloma's other sponsors and feel lucky to be included in this group. Check out La Dolce Vita. And check out Bon Lemon. We are busy photographing more great stuff and putting it online for you to enjoy on the website. We are also signing up new spas and salons and Independent Shoppe Owners. This is an exciting time. Thanks for being apart of it!

Being included on one of our favorite blogs... now that is Something Tasty!

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