There are two trends I am currently obsessed with: neon and arm parties. Today, we will focus on the latter. (But how can I not tell you about these neon J. Crew Shorts... I have them in pink and feel like I need them in highlighter yellow. I mean, hello, Bon Lemon yellow. It is a business expense.)

Photo courtesy of Chicktopia.
Okay, okay. I digress. The Arm Party. Which, by the, way, has been trademarked by the Man Repeller. Side note: Trademarking cool sayings is lame. It makes me want to move to some rogue country just so people can live their lives knowing it is their responsibility not to fall off of a big cliff even if there isn't a guard rail and they can go around saying, "amazeballs arm party, amazeballs arm party, amazeballs arm party!" without fear of a lawsuit. But we will give credit to the uber talented, creative, and lawyered up Man Repeller for coining the term arm party. Dang, I love an arm party.

Photo courtesy of rushhourfashion.com
So what is an arm party? Urban Dictionary defines it as, " When somebody (usually/hopefully a girl) wears a bunch of different bracelets on the same arm, sometimes using many bright colors or different materials/metals is called an arm party. The more the merrier! I.e. that girl with the huge arm party thinks she's ke$ha, her bracelets weigh more than she does!"

Photo courtesy of mstwirlyskirt.com
Why do we love the arm party? Because it is a fashion trend that gives us an excuse to wear all of our accessories at once! I love Coco Chanel as much as the next gal, but the arm party throws her "take one accessory off when you leave the house" idea out on it's head. Instead, put one on!
So, you may be asking yourself: How do I get invited to the arm party? Follow these steps, grab a glass of something sparkling, and the arm party has begun!
1. First things first. We must build the foundation. Start with these fab crystal bangles. Sparkle goes with everything and is a great place to get the party started.

2. Next, add something thick to make your party work for day or evening. Our stingray bracelets are a steal and a layer of nature.

Or try one of these genuine snakeskin bracelets in any color. They bend to fit your wrist and are super on trend for Spring/Summer.

3. Now, you need a little metal to round out your look. This link bracelet is a staff favorite and goes with everything.

4. Last, but not least, add your own pop of color. (Add a couple colors and then you are REALLY hip.) This tropical coral bracelet is stretchy and comfy.

Or, for those of you who can't get enough sparkle, this is a great piece to add a little bit of subtle sparkle as well as some fresh color.

Can you hear the music? And see the beautiful people? You have arrived at the arm party. Feel free to add more bracelets from your personal collection. There are no rules. And there is definitely no such thing as too much.
For those of you who thought that was a lot of effort and just want it to be a little easier, come to our It's a Spring Thing... Party on April 27th to see our new line: little b. It is a locally designed, ready-made-arm party. Sets of 2, 3, or 5. No thinking involved. Throw them on and go. (And we love shopping local.)
What does YOUR arm party look like? Do you include a signature watch? Or, gasp, neon?

Photo courtesy of A Pair & A Spare
Check out our Arm Party Contest and post pics on Facebook to win swag.
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