It's 2013. If you are like me, you may have missed the memo. 2012 is over....
2012 whizzed by so quickly, there are many bits I have forgotten already. (If I promised to do something in the month of December, you can assume I have completely dropped the ball.) I haven't blogged for two months, because our group of lemon loving friends is growing and we were busy little elves. (Wrapping pretty packages took precedent over my online ramblings.)
Bon Lemon had our best year ever. Merci to you!
I have been reflecting on 2012 and thinking about how to move forward into 2013. I like the idea of making New Year's Resolutions as a way to set goals for the following year. I don't like the idea of focusing on all the things you aren't doing good enough.
This year, I am declaring these my 2013 (Not) Resolutions. They aren't even resolutions, just ideas and inspirations for a fabulous 2013. I give you,
Amy's 2013 (Not) Resolutions
In 2013, I am going to quiet the voice saying I need to be skinnier, wealthier, funnier, and more/better/different. The voice may not go away, but instead of trying to drown it out with more activities, more work, more play, more everything (which is how I have lived for most of my life), I am going to focus on doing less, listening more, and hearing what I have been missing.
In 2013, I am going to simplify my life.
In 2013, I am going to be happy.
In 2013, I am going to believe in the impossible. I am going to believe in inspiring millions of people. Not pretend to believe, but really believe.
In 2013, I am going to hold the door for people, say "Good Afternoon" to strangers, chew with my mouth closed, write thank you notes, set a beautiful table, share with others, be kind, and say please and thank you.
In 2013, I am going to be me. I am so good at being what other people want me to be, sometimes I lose sight of what I am. This year, I will be me.
In 2013, I am going to celebrate everyday.
In 2013, I am going to keep furthering
Bon Lemon's mission to: Spread sparkle to inspire self-esteem.
In 2013, I will be inspired by the finite nature of life.
I am often afraid. I fear Bon Lemon won't make ends meet. I fear the collapse of our economy. I fear many things, because I am so busy worrying about what might happen, I don't enjoy what is happening. In 2013, I will remind myself that nothing worth doing is without risks and having the faith to take these leaps is what makes a life come alive.

Even though I am reasonably comfortable with my body, I have these moments (or weeks/months) where I feel fat. In the realm of French fashion models, I am fat. In the realm of the world, I am not. I can tell myself over and over that having a balanced, healthy lifestyle is what is important, but when my muffin top starts to look more like a spare tire (whether this is in reality or my head, I am completely unsure), I take to self loathing. In 2013, I am going to exercise and eat healthy, real foods. And sometimes I am going to drink too much wine, eat too much dessert, or not have time to go to the gym. And if this makes my pants a touch tight, I am going to remember that my body is a very small part of who I am.
In 2013, I am going to make snow angels.
In 2013, I will not hold onto anger.
I have often criticized myself because of my love of delicious foods, exotic places, unique wares, and things that can pinch your pocket book. I have often thought I should take less pleasure in these experiences and things. That I would be a better person if I didn't like them. But I have realized, my love of king crab legs is just as much a part of who I am as my desire to volunteer. My love of inspiring interior design in Istanbul, beautiful landscapes in Monte Negro, and kind people in Vietnam is an essential part of who I am. In 2013, I plan to embrace who I am. And ignore any voices to the contrary.
Because these things make me come alive.
In 2013, I am getting married. Sometimes this scares the crap out of me. What if we don't like each other in 10 years? What if I want to be a journalist in Iran and he doesn't want me to go? What if he wants to dye his hair green and get a nose ring? I value my autonomy and independence so much that marriage can seem like an affront to that. But what I know is that my life long relationships are the most liberating.
My parents unwavering support of me is freeing. My sister's undying commitment to my happiness is inspiring. I have never trusted anyone else enough to rely on them in this way, but in 2013, when I marry 6 Par Farmer (who you are now picturing with green hair and a nose ring. Hee hee.), I am excited about the possibility of creating a partnership that is more than the sum of its parts. I can not imagine what it will be like to be more impactful and stronger with a partner than on my own, but I am excited. This is one area, where I will be adding something to my life, instead of taking something away.
Oui! Oui!
In 2013, I am going to stop worrying about how everything is going to work out. (Let's be realistic, I am going to try and stop worrying.)
In 2013, I am going to recognize life's small successes.
In 2013, I am going to support people.
In 2013, I am going to put my head in the clouds and see what happens.
It is 2013.
What are your (Not) Resolutions?