Monday, March 4, 2013


Here's the definition of happiness.


  [hap-ee-nis]  Show IPA
the quality or state of being happy.
good fortune; pleasure; contentment; joy.

I think good fortune is kind of a crock.  People get cancer.  People marry narcissists.  People do good and bad things still happen.  Sometimes the universe doesn't smile on you.  And it is easy to think, why?  Why me?  Why now?  I am a why person.  I want to know why everything happens.  But one of my BIG life lessons in the last few years is that sometimes you can't make sense out of life.  I don't know why I was born in the United States and someone else was born in Sudan destined to be a child soldier.  I don't know why I don't feel like I have it "figured out."  I don't know why my friend had an aneurysm at age 29 and died and I didn't.  I don't know why my friends are all married with children and I am not.  I don't know why I can't seem to muster up the motivation to get my taxes prepared.  Sometimes, asking why is important.  And sometimes, it is wholly unimportant.  Sometimes, trying to make sense out of a non-sensical universe is wholly unsatisfying, because the moral of the story is... it doesn't make sense.

Happiness is not comprised of good fortune as would have you think.  It is about creating your own pleasure, contentment, and joy.  And that can come in a concentration camp or at a spa.  I think it is easy to compare your life with others and either think your life is too good or not good enough.  Rarely, do we say, "wow, my life is just perfectly fab!"  There will always be those who are better and worse off than you.  Happiness is a choice.  And it is a learned behavior.  How are you going to be happy today?

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